Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bylaw amendment proposal on Concurrence process LWVUS 2014 Convention‏

An amendment (5 words) was added at the 2012 LWVUS convention to the section on concurrence (Article XII Section 2C) that removes an important element of flexibility LWVUS delegates might have to adopt a position by concurrence at convention in a timely manner.

The LWV Sacramento County is proposing that we go back to the original bylaw language to retain the flexibility of the grassroots delegate body to use the concurrence process on the very rare occasion that we need that flexibility. This proposal maintains the threshold requirement of a 2/3 vote to amend or adopt a national League position by concurrence on the floor of convention.

More information

Please contact me with your support, opposition or questions.

Paula Lee
LWV Sacramento, CA

Opposing view:
The bylaw was amended to reaffirm the meaning and intent of concurrence, which is to concur with a position reached by another League after study and discussion. It's the study and discussion at the grassroots aspect that sets League positions apart from stances taken by other organizations. We trust other Leagues to have done a thorough process, that's why we can be comfortable in concurring. I'm for leaving the bylaw alone.
Judy Poulson, LWVTN

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